Family self-catering holidays in Cornwall
Rental Prices and Availability
Prices are for one weeks rental with a minimum stay of 7 nights. Changeover day is Saturday.
18 April to 22 May 2020
23 May to 26 June
27 June to 17 July
18 July to 28 August
29 August to 18 September
19 September to 23 October
24 October to 30 October
31 October to 18 December
19 December to 1 January 2021
Price per week
2 January to 12 February 2021
13 February to 19 February
20 February to 2 April
3 April to 16 April
17 April to 21 May
22 May to 25 June
26 June to 16 July
17 to 23 July
24 July to 27 August
28 August to 17 September
18 September to 22 October
23 October to 29 October
30 October to 17 December
18 December to 3 January 2022
Price per week
Terms, Conditions and Information

Far left
Please note that any booking in no way forms part of a tenancy agreement.
Smoking is not permitted at Shelbourne.
Sorry, no pets.
All domestic fuel costs are included.
Shelbourne is available all year round. Please enquire for rates at times other than those listed.
A deposit of one third of the cost will be required upon booking, with full settlement required four weeks before your stay.
Cheques payable to Mrs L Visser please.
Telephone bookings must be confirmed in writing with the deposit within seven days.
So that Shelbourne can be prepared for guests, you are asked to arrive after 2:30pm at the start of your stay and depart by 10:00am at the end of your stay.