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I've got a perfectly good real name, but it's not really one that oozes artistic gravitas. "Paul Rowland Photography" isn't a title that does it for me either, to be honest. That and there's already a long-established photographer in America by the same name.


In 2004, in a post-university "this is what has to be done" phase, I filled a backpack and got on a flight with a group of similarly adventurous souls to Ecuador. One such chap was Filski, a freelance photographer who showed me the basics of photography: subject, composition and finding your own style. Fil and the others I travelled with called me Pablito, ("Little Paul"), on account of my being 6'4".


Plenty of years later and I'm a countryside ranger for a conservation charity; always outdoors and often with my camera to hand.


For the last few Christmases I've made calendars for my family using favourite nature and landscape shots that I've taken. "These are better than most I see in the shops" said my sister, so I thought they might be worth sharing more widely.

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